Thursday, December 11, 2014

tissue cell career

A Histologist is known for working closely with pathologist and diagnosticians to identify the cause of patient symptoms and flag warningg signs of disease. The people handle and analyze human tissue and blood samples to determine how patients are responding to treatment or medication. They assume managerial roles and generally perform more intricate and advanced tasks than a histologist technician. They not only analyze and confirm the test results of blood samples, but also search of bacteria and viruses. People who would like to get into this business or career need a bachelors in Biology. Chemistry, or statistics. The average hourly wage for histologist in the United States range from $18.25 and $26.89 as of June 2010, according to Total average pay, including bonuses and overtime, fell between $39,120 and $59,421 per year.

A bachelor's degree in medical technology or life sciences is the minimum requirement for a histologist position. Some employers accept candidates with an associate degree and equivalent work experience.

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These professionals handle and analyze human tissue and blood samples to determine how patients are responding to treatment or

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These professionals handle and analyze human tissue and blood samples to determine how patients are responding to treatment or

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